Day three of staycation continues. What have I learned..well I’ve learned that you have to sharpen the saw otherwise old habits creep in. A goal is not achieved just once. Maintenance is the hardest part. I also learned that in life you must take risk and not be afraid to be vulnerable that’s the only way you can grow. We are never the same, as we grow from our mistakes. No human on earth is perfect.
Tennis lesson went well instructor says. “Bo stop hitting so hard.” Why am I trying so hard to just make it over the line there is always an easier way and working *smarter* not harder is possible. Slicing the ball and changing the angles you get different results.
I got with a prayer group and I find out a few things. I shouldn't be self-reliant on myself for my success or even changing myself to become a better person. I was taught that I had to depend on myself such as working through college, getting my own job.. I didn't depend on the Almighty when it was actually the Almighty who enabled me to come this from me. It was the Almighty who allowed me to stay in this job this long, to be making this much money, who gave me so many talents to share. I need not feel guilty or ashamed for using the tools God gave me to provide for my own comfort. This is the devil talking.
And for those of you who envy me. DO not. There's not much to be envious if you knew how many demons I have to fight. Everything on the surface appears fine, but like Father told's all a mask we all put out. What is your mask? Yes, I'm envious of you. Of your confidence, of your talents, of your ability to be independent and because of the threat of you taking away God's love from me.
I will pray that God gives you more talent, and that *I* can bask in your glory and be happy for you. I pray that love will continue to be abundant for you. There is no limit with love. Love is NOT an emotion like in the movies. Love is sacrifice like what Jesus did on the cross. Love is not self-seeking. God's love grows, the more I give.
In Jesus name.
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