Friday, May 31, 2019

Defining Success

My work trip to Oregon was a success. Although it was not a huge turnout of people who registered versus people who came to the event, I think God helped me reach the people I needed to reach.  I believe we had quality of people versus quantity. I took my time talking to each individual, engaging them. 

One thing I also learned, coming out of the career event, that you can’t change what people are. Those who are right for the job and are interested will come forward. Doesn’t matter what you say, it is not about selling anymore. Sure we bring the positive side and get them interested, but we make it real and tell them what to expect. I am not in the business to waste anyone’s time on earth. 

My husband told me this morning in a text. Why do I keep expecting a different answer? Easy, because I truly haven’t accepted. No matter what I do, I can’t  convince someone (some people) to love me. 

So success is what we make of it. Human develop standards and measures, to define success. In the end, it all works out and we all learn something. Hopefully we will enjoy the journey while we learn about it, in our own way.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

My Travel Days Are Not Over

I like to begin this blog entry with a question to Jesus.  Where are you sending me now?
I went to Sunday mass today, and one of the things that spoke to me during the homily was that Jesus asks us to follow His commandments.  If you love me, then follow my commandments.

We are caught between being children of Jesus, and our own desires. Sometimes, our desires seem to win over trusting Jesus.  I prefer this, not that.  This is to also say..

Jesus, I want to stop traveling. I want settle in one spot. But Jesus tells me, your work is not finished. I am now sending you to travel within the United States of America.  That's right, boys and girls.  My next trip is to Hillsboro, Oregon and if it wasn't for several high-level meetings in DC the week after I leave Florida, I *would have* also been sent to Minnesota.  Hmmmm....

It just appears to me, that when I came back from Baghdad, I thought I would be teaching computer courses in Fort Lauderdale.  That would mean I would not be traveling. But plans change because God is in control, LOL.  So with the extra funds, and a permanent instructor in place, they sent me on many trips to posts around Canada, Caribbean and South America to do site visits.  Then, I got DC as assignment hoping to do LOCAL DC travel. Now it's continental United States travel to recruit our future leaders.  Can't wait to see what God has plans for me. But hopefully, and I pray that His plans for me will soon be stable. For the sake of my own sanity.

Well, as we are short staff in my new office, it just may be that a way. Unless my future boss has access to a myriad of resources.  I am confident she will, because she believes that smarter, not harder is the way to go.  And me.. Smarter means fast typing and recruiting in virtual chat rooms (job fairs), moderating life webinars and Facebook events.  In the meantime, I'm OK with Toastmasters improving my verbal "eloquence" as Moses once said he did not have.

"Take no bag... and shake the dust off my feet for those who do not welcome you"
Matthew 10:11-14  Ministry of the Twelve

Monday, May 20, 2019

Three Days in my New Alexandria Home

OK, so it’s a mini move.. A move within a move.  I left my short term apartment rental in Falls Church into my new non-permanent home (LOL) well, at least I will be here for two years.  The funny thing, we say we own houses, we own property but in the end, we own nothing.  From dust we come and from dust we shall return.  Lease, rent, buy a car or a house.. what difference does it make to the universe, that knows no time?  It’s humans that assign value.  It’s humans that assign a timeline.

I’m happy to start a new timeline in this apartment.  I cannot believe how convenient my new location is. I’ve got 3 ways to get to the highway.  Did I mention that the GPS rarely takes me the same route twice, since I’ve been in the DC area??  So I got 2 different options to hit the main highway, I’m at least 7-10 minutes FROM everything, from Bed Bath and Beyond, to Target, Home Depot, Harris Teeters (Whole Foods  equivalent for those out of state) and just about anything you think of.  Yes, coffee houses and Pho Vietnamese noodle.  For now I can’t complain.

Last night I had one too many fires I had to put out.  I was out shopping at IKEA in College Park at a very fine hour — yes, when it’s nighttime and everyone has gone home. I got SOO much done in two hours. Then, I drove home in light traffic and by the time it was 9:30 PM I told myself there ain’t no way I’m cooking and cleaning.  Let me just stick a gluten-free pizza (which is prescribed by my doctor) since it’s no fuss, no muss.  YEAH, I make plans and God laughs at them.

The stove from the 1970s was a gas stove..No digital buttons and preheating is NOT really needed. I went to the bathroom thinking NO rush..only to find a cloud of smoke in the hallway.  I quickly grabbed my pizza threw it in, and turned on the fan.  Crab, this 1970s fan has no power in it!!! Argghhhhhh!!  It’s either low or medium-low, no such thing as High.  Then, lucky me I hear the smoke detector beep.  It continued and finally I opened the door to see a curious neighbor. He came in to see what as going on.  I’m still on high-emergency alert thinking I’m going to burn the apartment complex down on my third day.  Turns out after opening a few doors and using my towel to swoosh at the detector, I was able to put out “fire.” Meanwhile, my pizza was still cooking.  Whew..I got to eat.  (Thank you neighbor, for your moral support and suggestions!!!)

Well, now I realize my bathroom clog was not fixed and I knew, from reading the reviews, that getting service done here was not ideal. I quickly googled Target hours and see that they close at 11 PM. Yayyyy Target.  And as I mentioned earlier, I was 7 min away from everything.  Got my new Target designer plunger.  Whew..The night was rescued.  By Bo or by God, I got what I needed done.

Can’t wait to find out what my remaining week will be like.  Lean not on my own understanding.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

The New Nomad

I know I've been a nomad in the sense of traveling and adapting to new cultures. I did not know to what extent. It's scary to think I am a nomad because I make a checklist of things to do before I move and I remember most of it without having to rely on the checklist. Nomdadic compulsive disorder (NCD)?

It's survival nomadic skills 101!  What are the perks of a nomad?  Non attachment to things. I mean, how can you own so much and lug it with you? Two, we are the best kind of fakers in the world. We can learn your language, learn your style, and speak one or two things to your situation.

We learn not to depend on any sort of stability, no matter the circumstances. Anything and every thing is subject to change. Therefor, don't get too comfy. That cool boss you just started working for is not going to stick around.

Well, I guess I can appreciate being a jack of all trades after all. A tree that cannot flex as the Chinese saying goes, will simply fall over during a bad storm.

God bless you all. 

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Blessings Pour In

It's been a tremendous Mother's Day so far.  I can't ask for more. I didn't expect too much, other than a peaceful Sunday.

It started with church service at 9 AM. I sang with the choir and for the first time since I joined, I'm now catching on. It took some navigating to learn their systems here.  I am a chameleon by trade, I have to learn to adapt. That's what chameleons do. Granted I had tried to change a few "systems" only to make it backfire on me. People are creatures of habit.

Back to Mother's Day. Got my morning cup of Joe followed by a pampering spa session. Then, went to return some stuff from Bed, Bath and Beyond, after I learned a few of the items I bought will not work. Funny how God works things.  They do not recycle at the apartments I am moving into, so the trash can I bought will work out after all, thankfully.  Back in the 1950s they didn't recycle a lot. Therefore, my hubby's system of bringing it to the garage while keeping aesthetics working in the kitchen worked beautifully.  Not today.

Then, my brother and dad showed up and we had a nice takeout lunch at 1:00 pm. I was planning on going to an Asian bible study I have been meaning to go to. You know you lived too long and had a wide vast experience when you realize it's Mother's Day and they most likely they are not going to have one.  My dad called the Christian church and got that right... whew!

I ended the last 20 minutes booking my internet online with Xfinity. I got a chat pop up on my window and got everything done online, without having to step inside an Xfinity store. How nice.  Let's hope no more hiccups. Oh yeah...and the salesperson told me $13 a month.... I'm like yeah right. Can't trick me.  I'm 43 AND I'm an IT person. I'm worst than a parole officer (LOL.......from the words of a person I met on Friday).  At least I'll save $20.00 with a self-install package.  Dag...I knew I chose profession in the 1990s. Grandma did know best, afterall.

Well, I hope your mother's day was as great as mine.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Dear George Washington

As we head into the 4th week of Easter, we continue to see what Jesus's path takes us to -- that is to the Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit).  I want to direct this blog as a letter to George Washington, the founding father of America.

Dear George:

When you and your allies got together at the round table, you established basic rules and authority to take into the account of the future, not knowing how we would evolve or how the dynamics would change. It occurred to me, you made sure there were no one absolute power. You also made sure there was a system in place to ensure these powers were not abused (aka bureaurcacy).  Bureau-CRAZY? Yes. Some days it drives me nuts. But there was a reason for everything.  And though we know not what they are, we believe all actions--past, present and future, stem from the Holy Ghost.  Amen.

George, today because of strong spirited people, fighters, warriors, and people of integrity; We are made up of more than just a type the world a accepted at your time.  We are made up of strong men and women (gender), people of various ethnicity (race), and people who don't fit gender as society defines it (LGBTQ), time on the physical body (age) and finally but not in the least, people who choose to believe in their higher power(s) that governs our universe (religion).

Life was so simple in your days. I bet everyone was less stressed! But there were more hardships than we can ever imagine that in your days were NOT available; clean water (but you adapted to it). Motor vehicles (did you say run for fun??) or computers to make us smarter  (PS -- that was facetious).

George, I thank you for what you put in place for us.  Now we as a society must adapt to our ever changing environment for purpose of the survival of the human race.  Heck if you could do it, so can we.

Which one will it be for now?  Survive?  Or Jesus rescues?

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Cast your Cares

I am looking for a little inspiration today. It is a bit dreary with the non stop rain. But it too is a message.

With the terrible things happening in the world today, we have to hold to the promises of Jesus. The righteousness will come to those afflicted. Cast your cares on him today, because his yoke is light.

I read an article in that the rigid rules of the Jewish law originated from Moses to reach heaven. Jesus came to lighten the load so you didn’t have to bare the burden. 

“Galatians 2:16 has nothing to do with the Catholic belief that good works and receiving the sacraments are necessary, but not sufficient, for salvation. Deciding who spends eternity in heaven remains entirely the prerogative of our loving Creator, who has given ample guidance to the faithful. Our Protestant brothers and sisters have been misled about the meaning of the text, so let us gently show them their error (2 Tim. 2:25).” 

So I interpret this as...We are all one body of believers in Christ. Your way of worship is not better than mine. In the end, it comes down to how we love God and one another, not how we worship.  God decides on judgement day, who is worthy of entering His kingdom.