Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Dear George Washington

As we head into the 4th week of Easter, we continue to see what Jesus's path takes us to -- that is to the Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit).  I want to direct this blog as a letter to George Washington, the founding father of America.

Dear George:

When you and your allies got together at the round table, you established basic rules and authority to take into the account of the future, not knowing how we would evolve or how the dynamics would change. It occurred to me, you made sure there were no one absolute power. You also made sure there was a system in place to ensure these powers were not abused (aka bureaurcacy).  Bureau-CRAZY? Yes. Some days it drives me nuts. But there was a reason for everything.  And though we know not what they are, we believe all actions--past, present and future, stem from the Holy Ghost.  Amen.

George, today because of strong spirited people, fighters, warriors, and people of integrity; We are made up of more than just a type the world a accepted at your time.  We are made up of strong men and women (gender), people of various ethnicity (race), and people who don't fit gender as society defines it (LGBTQ), time on the physical body (age) and finally but not in the least, people who choose to believe in their higher power(s) that governs our universe (religion).

Life was so simple in your days. I bet everyone was less stressed! But there were more hardships than we can ever imagine that in your days were NOT available; clean water (but you adapted to it). Motor vehicles (did you say run for fun??) or computers to make us smarter  (PS -- that was facetious).

George, I thank you for what you put in place for us.  Now we as a society must adapt to our ever changing environment for purpose of the survival of the human race.  Heck if you could do it, so can we.

Which one will it be for now?  Survive?  Or Jesus rescues?

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