Thursday, September 25, 2014

Camp Cupcake

 September 25, 2014

 With so much quiet time to myself, for the first time, my personal inbox is empty – zero!  Everything has filed, either in archived folders or for later – to go through if I ever had the time!  Nice huh?  On the other hand, my inbox at work will never be empty, as I continue to have a 9-5 job hehehe.  I got a bike to ride to and from compound so, I had a nice bike ride over the weekend.  After skipping several cafeteria meals, I lost 7 lbs already in nearly two weeks.  If it costs $3 for frozen food, it’s worth it more than a dish of lasagna, fried chicken and what have you at the buffet in the cafeteria.  Man, some people are so skinny and can eat all they want and not gain a lb.  I got the Ngernwichit fat “gene” LOL!  Sorry to say but I am what I eat.  So for exercise, I’m planning for tennis (when the courts open again), abs class, Hiits worksout, cross fit, Zumba, T25 and all you can think of.  Some of us aren’t born lucky.
I am still not sleeping well but at least I’m getting photo updates from Jason on Alyssa which always brings me a smile. I know he’s bad with e-mail but he knows what I like!!! Seeing Alyssa having fun gives me a peace of mind.  This is a catch-up time for him and her for the year.  After all, the first five years of her life, Momma Bo spent her time taking Alyssa to all these b-day parties and playdates.  Go to my smugmug site ( and you will see the most populated folder or gallery is the playdates.  Man, don’t I just have my priorities straight do I?!?!
The bottom line is that Alyssa is a good girl, she’s secure, she’s resilient and she’s going to be OK.  And I hope that she will grow up to be a responsible adult and start a generation of healthy Villas or whoever if she decides to adopt another name for her future family. 
So you might wonder why I labeled my blog “camp cupcake.”  Yes, they call this in comparison to Basrah because I definitely see more greenery and shrubs. You got it more here. I have yet to get a taste of the people’s personality but at least I feel somewhat not so much in a prison!! LOL the MGT Officer at the last place told me, “I’m letting you go on parole” as he turned to the mailroom DPO lady and said you got to stay a bit longer, hehehe.  But I really didn’t feel Basrah a prison, because the people were nice, the food was GOOD and I had a group of friends that we exercise nearly every day with.  They were my friends.  It’s just that it’s out in the middle of no where (desert) and you don’t see any trees, mostly it’s hot with lots of gravel everywhere.  Well for now, I don’t need to look no further for a friend, other than my roommate.  She is sweet, concerning and we communicated a lot.  I might start a bible study b/c doing it alone, I fall asleep, LOL!!! I have these bible books with exercises, it’s still not the same as fellowship.

Here is a picture of my new cross-fit workout?  Rough huh?

Well, counting the days still..This is still one of my favorite pictures of Jason and I, when we were in Paris 2004.  We met in December of 2003 at a Montreal trip my friend Joy decided to set up so I went.  We clicked when we met face to face and had personal interaction.  So if E-mail between us was poor then..what tells me it will be good now? :-)  We were always better in person and so we must keep it that way.

Have a great week! :)

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Week Two at Baghdad

September 18, 2014

I am still finding my way around here; haven't found a niche yet other than a great abs class. I know the teacher because she works in my section and I met her at the Amman airport but still, no friends to hang out with.  My roommate is great, kind and doesn't mind helping with chores or sharing of foods.  We both work well together...but we haven't worked our way to best buddies yet.  But we vent to each other, so that's a start.  I told her about my frustration and she said something that made me smile...that's what matters :-)

Tomorrow is "Hail and Farewell" party.  It's for 3-4 going away including Senior Foreign Service IMO (similar to the head manage of a huge IT Specialist team) as he and his wife are retiring and for the newbies - me, another IMSer and some Techs.  It will be fun.  I made cakeballs but due to the fact that I haven't made them in a long while, they were too big and the candy melt is tooo thick. Oh well..At least I did it and I took my time doing it over the course of three days. 

Today, I was helping one of the offices out with a trouble ticket and when I asked him to lock the computer and log on again after changing his password he tells, "Wow you have no faith." :-)  That got me thinking..I can be a doubting Thomas.  Well benefit of the doubt, most users are technically challenged and often forget their passwords.  I was thinking that and he works in a security related area where he has to know these things.  #1 - know my audience.  #2 - Have faith.  OK while we are on the topic of faith, I feel that in this world, we have to appreciate things and believe there are good people out there.  I was at the commissary shop and they don't use coins, instead they give you these cute things that look like a round game board piece that my daughter would love.  Well, I was short 25 cents and the guy behind me says, here I have some.  Now that is what I call, an angel.  Friends, there are angels walking among us all the time..ready to open the door, ready to help when in need, just there *at* the right moment.  So "Bo have faith.  Angels are here."

Got settled in here are some pictures of my home.  Not quite homey yet but need to do some reorganizing to meet my lifestyle.  Where is my Jason when I need him :)  He is great and practical at organization.  His simplicity was inherited and he doesn't keep much.  The less you have, the less you gotta buy crap to organize it.  I think he dumped a lot of my stuff that I don't remember I own. Initially I was mad, but I guess memories can't take with you to the grave.  Pictures and photographs are for the living. 

I still think about my mom and how she had a caring heart but she never learned to let go of *anything.* It's a common trait or just a skill never taught.  No one is and will ever be alike as I said before in a blog, and people who have more in common have the best tendency to get along in the long term.  It's sad but opposites attract is a myth.

Anyway some photos of my quarters.  Definitely comfortable and nicer than the Basrah ones.  I have a couch, coffee table a TV and DVD player.  Also an Armoire.

September 20, 2014

Well the farewell party was a success and everyone raved at my cakeballs.  Well, if there's one dish I can actually..I try to practice every month, I try so I won't forget all the tips/tricks.  The Boss made a good speech and so did the Host/MC.  The food was great and I had a great time getting to know all the people in the different IT sections.  These get-togethers should definitely happen more.

Well counting the days until I get my vacation and see Jason and Alyssa.  She is getting smarter by the day, I'm glad daddy's taking good care of her and replacing my duties with taking her to game rooms and water parks.

'Til Next Time!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Destruction, tigers and bears, oh my!


To see a typhoon in your dream indicates sudden unexpected changes occurring in your life. You may be experiencing some destructive and powerful emotions.

To dream that you are swept up in a typhoon suggests that both your mental and emotional forces are building up inside and making themselves known. You are being consumed by your emotions. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are being pressured and pushed against your will toward something you do not want to do

Sometimes I like to start my blog with some morning thoughts.  I had both a typhoon and a lion in my dream, in one night.  So the says to see a lion attacking you means you have some force is driving me to self-destruction.  On the other hand, though he did find me, he didn't harm me and I was able to run away and close the door in time.  So, the other part of the dream interpretation of seeing a lion is, "To see a lion in your dream symbolizes great strength, courage, aggression and power. You will overcome some of your emotional difficulties."

The dream about the Typhoon part..Well I woke up hearing noises so I go downstairs. I'm actually *in* Thailand with the relatives whom I am staying at, says that oh it's just a typhoon as I hear noises.  Oh??? Well I go back to my room where there is no windows (on top of the roof) b/c of the tropical weather, so essentially nothing is protecting me.  So "destructive emotions" it is :-)  Nuff said.

I'm happy a new week is beginning; I went to non-denominational service last night and the pastor said God loved David even though he sinned. Though he forgave him, David suffered consequences of losing 4 sons because he sinned.  I know there are certain things I need to overcome to become more spiritual. So I will continue to pray for that. Those reading, pray to the holy spirit...Christians or atheists, you know you pray because you see that prayer helps, nevertheless :-)  

I came to this post with little direction but I think I've accomplished more than I hoped. People who I run into seem friendly with smiles and want to know me.  Just as they are getting used to my faces, it's time to meet new territories.  I know at least I help the Zumba group get started.  Maybe I've given some good ideas to the contractor working in our section.  At the end of the day, if I helped someone in someway, I think I've done my job.

I skipped the cafeteria yesterday and had nutella sandwich and mandarin orange for dinner.  Quite the "cook" I am, eh?  Well, I figured with exercising 5 days a week, I should at least make an attempt to do better on my diet which is the important part.  

I started T25 CD, I heard about it from Cathy.  She said it's short and sweet and yes..the short part is great.  Sweet..yeah I guess so. I need better sneakers with all that jumping in the video my sole/arch of my feet hurts.  But I recruited a workout buddy so I'm on!!!  I figure life will never be done with what you "want to do." Someone else will finish it for you. Things will never be finished.  So you reached your goal and lost 20 lbs..guess what it's not done.  You need to maintain it so it's actually ongoing and you stay 120 lbs.  I think most things in life are ongoing and that's just what it is.  Achievement is good but the important part of the last healthy last habit is "sharpen the saw."

See you on the other side! :-)

September 12, 2014

Been in Baghdad now for a few days.  Settling in and getting back into the routine.  I gain 9 pounds it's not even funny.  I don't think I've ever weighed this much in my life.  The stress of mom, being away from Jason and Alyssa and not sleeping well as taken it's toll.  On the other hand, I am staying active, doing bible studies and exercising.  I just came back from a great ABS workout.  I think I will feel it tomorrow.  All my orders from Amazon came already..Kick Mbabane's butt with 2 weeks waiting.  Guess it all depends I maybe, but DPO are generally better.  Time to get back to the room and finish my laundry.

Laundry near dry and I'm thinking of sharing some of my last few thoughts..Dinner with bosses, a funny guy following me around to be my friend (hmm) and my sweet roommate.  She is nice and I'm glad we are together.  Hope things go well and we develop a great friendship. I think being honest and straightforward and communicative is best.  Grandpa always thought honesty is best policy, though not always the most diplomatic :-)

Here are some of my goodies I got.  

Gots-ta to go soon!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

My Final TDY Week Woo Hoo!

 September 3, 2014

Mom's Birthday, she would have been 65. Well those Medicare cards are now in effect but what good are they?? I always thought in my mind that she would not make it to Medicare age just because she had so many health problems. Almost to the finish line but it was her time..
I have been hooked into Line. 
For those of you who do not know, it’s an app created by a Japanese company where you can text, post emojis and stickers..Love it!  This is my favorite one! J

Well besides keeping in touch with friends and families, I know most of you have known I froze my FB account..Nothing’s lost, just frozen J  Then I google my name and find, low and behold, my blog is searchable. Oh well who gives. No one reads it anyway, LOL ‘cause it’s too long. J  Maybe one day you’ll check my poem book if I ever start one.  I’ve been busy organizing my photos and putting them on Smug Mug – some are private, some are public without a link and some you can view it here

It’s pictures within the last three years mostly.  I like the fact that it’s more organized than FlickR and I use FlickR more for recent photos, kinda’ like Facebook.  Lately though I’ve just been throwing random pictures on there.  Follow me on Flickr!  Ask for my handle, and I’ll send it your way.  I know those who are my faithful ones have already bookmarked it J
So I was playing with the gadgets on Windows 7 Desktop and now I can know the time difference without having to buy an expensive dual clock ( late daddy!! ;-)  Amazon has everything one can think of.

Today’s Weather.  Interesting DC and FL are just about the same. 

 I think Canada has it worse at 55 degrees. Brrrrrrr

Back to work lfie: Well it’s a bit stressful.  The boss I temporarily replaced wants us to work overtime every day.  I’m there 50 hours a week, plus this passed Labor Day holiday I had to come in for one thing.  One that door sign says, "Open" forget about it.. Rrrrrr!!   It’s been crazy three weeks here at work running the shop, opening doors/calls for all kinds of requests, and on top of that, we have a Satellite team install *and* an inventory due with no inventory staff on board.  This is going to be fun.  I know now..I don’t LIKE small posts.  Just give me one specialty, I am not a jack of all trades, nor am I a juggler.  Can’t wait to go to Baghdad where I will be a small fish, worker bee whatever you want to call it. I guess this extra money I’m making now will be for the new kitchen pantry and new bathrub spa in Alyssa’s room.
Well, time to get the laundry!