Friday, December 29, 2023

A Look Back at 2023

2023 has been good to me. I lead SoulCore classes, I discovered what I wanted to do after Dept of State, and I worked on loving myself more. 

I had a wonderful counselor who was supportive of my journey and empathic at the same time. Sometimes having someone who gets you makes all the difference in the world. I am grateful my prayers have been answered. I’m grateful for the support groups to help me in my journey as well. I find that I do well with likeminded people and appreciate the support.

Every year people vow to lose weight. This year, I want to be grateful for my blessings. Being happier will help me to make better choices. The fact that I worked hard (maybe not smarter) to lose weight each time tells me that it doesn’t have to be difficult to attain a goal or even sharpening the saw (maintaining once goal is achieved). I also have a predisposition to be heavier. I need to love myself now, not when I am at my ideal weight.

So to end on a positive note, I’ve come a long way. I don’t need to be jealous of another’s gift when God has given me my own gifts. I am blessed for the things he has brought into my life this year to comfort me, and for providing what I need according to His timeline. Amen. 
Me this year

Saturday, December 16, 2023

December Reflections

 It's December, the most busiest time of the year (well sorta).  We are getting ready to shop, bake, get ready for Holiday parties, and travel to see our loved ones.  Sure it can get busy. Work is winding down, getting slower as we prepare for new objectives for the new year.

It's 3:19 AM and low and behold, I'm met by my fur-friend, Mittens. He loves me after all. I know I'm #3 on his list most of the time, LOL.

It's that time of year to reflect on this past year and set intentions for next year. 2023 has been a pretty good year. At the beginning of the year, I had high hopes of better managing projects and balance work life. I joined weight watchers support group again, continued Bible Study Fellowship online, and ran the SoulCore ministry.  I think next year will be more streamlined. I really know the art of juggling a lot but not mastering anything. I think I want to master the art of "gratitude." They say this is the most effective way to be happy and in a grateful mode daily.  Second, I want to spend more quiet time with the Lord, via adoration. I've been invited to be a key player in the Magnificat women's ministry. This must be a sign of great things to come. Last but not least, I want to eat healthier. I know my emotional eating has been an unending battle to fill a void, along with impulsive spending. It's the same story.

I'm grateful for my counselor, Jenny. Who gave me such great ideas to re-read my childhood journals and to write a letter to my younger self. This is part of my healing process. I'm grateful for the techniques she has taught me on boosting my self-confidence.  I'm grateful for the many work employee support groups I can join, including the Adolescent support group, and the Perfectly Imperfect group.  These are all initiatives to heal and challenge my inner critic.  Oh, and outward, nagging, annoying guilt-inducing, motherly critic LOL.

I hope and pray to stay focused on what matters and really not to sweat the small stuff. Driving these days can be a stressful thing for me. I just won't allow myself to let these non-drivers get to me. It's not worth my stress. Other offenses that come along the way. Well, all I can say is that I need to not fall to the bait of Satan. He wants us to be offended. He wants us to be miserable; and I can't allow it. Listening to lies has been my downfall.

That is it. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year