Friday, May 31, 2019

Defining Success

My work trip to Oregon was a success. Although it was not a huge turnout of people who registered versus people who came to the event, I think God helped me reach the people I needed to reach.  I believe we had quality of people versus quantity. I took my time talking to each individual, engaging them. 

One thing I also learned, coming out of the career event, that you can’t change what people are. Those who are right for the job and are interested will come forward. Doesn’t matter what you say, it is not about selling anymore. Sure we bring the positive side and get them interested, but we make it real and tell them what to expect. I am not in the business to waste anyone’s time on earth. 

My husband told me this morning in a text. Why do I keep expecting a different answer? Easy, because I truly haven’t accepted. No matter what I do, I can’t  convince someone (some people) to love me. 

So success is what we make of it. Human develop standards and measures, to define success. In the end, it all works out and we all learn something. Hopefully we will enjoy the journey while we learn about it, in our own way.

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