Sunday, May 12, 2019

Blessings Pour In

It's been a tremendous Mother's Day so far.  I can't ask for more. I didn't expect too much, other than a peaceful Sunday.

It started with church service at 9 AM. I sang with the choir and for the first time since I joined, I'm now catching on. It took some navigating to learn their systems here.  I am a chameleon by trade, I have to learn to adapt. That's what chameleons do. Granted I had tried to change a few "systems" only to make it backfire on me. People are creatures of habit.

Back to Mother's Day. Got my morning cup of Joe followed by a pampering spa session. Then, went to return some stuff from Bed, Bath and Beyond, after I learned a few of the items I bought will not work. Funny how God works things.  They do not recycle at the apartments I am moving into, so the trash can I bought will work out after all, thankfully.  Back in the 1950s they didn't recycle a lot. Therefore, my hubby's system of bringing it to the garage while keeping aesthetics working in the kitchen worked beautifully.  Not today.

Then, my brother and dad showed up and we had a nice takeout lunch at 1:00 pm. I was planning on going to an Asian bible study I have been meaning to go to. You know you lived too long and had a wide vast experience when you realize it's Mother's Day and they most likely they are not going to have one.  My dad called the Christian church and got that right... whew!

I ended the last 20 minutes booking my internet online with Xfinity. I got a chat pop up on my window and got everything done online, without having to step inside an Xfinity store. How nice.  Let's hope no more hiccups. Oh yeah...and the salesperson told me $13 a month.... I'm like yeah right. Can't trick me.  I'm 43 AND I'm an IT person. I'm worst than a parole officer (LOL.......from the words of a person I met on Friday).  At least I'll save $20.00 with a self-install package.  Dag...I knew I chose profession in the 1990s. Grandma did know best, afterall.

Well, I hope your mother's day was as great as mine.

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