Good Morning,
May 26, 2024. Captain's Log, supplemental. I just got back from my trip to Canada. My mother-in-law passed away after we learned about her terminal illness during Christmas. It's been a rough week. However, while encountering stress and hardship during these times, I was able to get away, recharge and recuperate. During this period, three things came to me (three revels I call it) in the signs that life throws my way so I must pay attention.
Revel #1. About two years ago, a speaker came to a women's conference workshop at one of my friend's church. My friend invited me to that workshop. During the workshop, there were books mentioned that were on the reading list. One of them, A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23, was on there. Two years later, I quickly stashed that book into my luggage hoping to steal some time and read it. Wow, was that the best thing that happened especially how my family has encountered rough times.
The funeral service for my mother-in-law was beautiful. From the music playing, to the readings and my daughter's speech, the service could not have been a better celebration. The responsorial psalm she had chosen before she passed away was Psalm 23, "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not Want."
I so far, had read three chapters, and the most important take away so far was that the life of a flock of sheep is like that of God's people who live our lives with the master looking and caring for us. The author of the book, is an actual shepherd for a flock of sheep (ewes, female sheep). While reading this book, the author likens our spiritual life to that of how a flock operates and very much so, in a similar way. He uses words that really are geared for livestock and domesticated sheep but at the same time, relates to the lives of God's people and behavior in a group. For example, there may be one sheep that is domineering and want to be top "sheep." Or, a sheep that goes astray, causing other sheep to follow.
My favorite one is the term he used to describe when an outside threat, such as a wolf or coyote tries to come and disturb the flock. The term he used was "molest." I'm like... WHAT? Often, we associate that word with modern day offense, such sexual assault on a child. But in fact, in this context, it means to persistently annoy or disturb. Can you imagine if we can use this in our daily lives. Who am I persistently annoying and how is this affecting my relationship? The other term he used was in order to make a sheep lie down in green pastures, the livestock must be healthy and free from pestilence such as insects, flies and ticks. Well what do you know. I'm not crazy after all from lathering myself up with bug spray before heading out in the tropics!
Revel #2
During this trip, I ran into two visions and signs that came my way. It made me aware of some things and maybe it is perchance, or maybe it was predestined that I got this message. On this trip, I brought with me a magazine on organizing and de-cluttering unimportant stuff in your life. Organization has been a interesting topic because it deals with how we manage the physical elements around us that come into our lives. Well, the magazine starts by describing a few types of organizers. The sentimental one, the visual one (needs to see everything out in plain site) or the tidy one.
As I returned from my trip to the cottage, my husband had to stop at the funeral home to pick up documentation. I of course, after an hour in the car, had to use the bathroom. I quickly rushed in and was directed to their restrooms. I walked in and never in my life thus far, have I scene a restroom so immaculately peaceful, inviting, clean in my life. I felt a sense of peace in this space. I couldn't help but think as I walked out. Wow. How is it that I had that feeling when all my life, I avoided public restrooms for the fact that it is chaotic and anything but peaceful. The answer? A feeling of peace and calm. Perhaps the funeral home was inviting to all guests who feel overwhelmed, chaotic, and in turmoil in their inner soul and to be welcomed by a clean and peaceful place where they can wash away their stress in their physical bodies and physical lives can bring a bit of serenity.
The message then was repeated to me again, when I visited a friend's house and again, I sensed a peace of calm and tranquility. I wondered to myself, how can this person have no piece of clutter in site? Having a space free of disorder is comforting.
Revel #3
This trip was very much last minute as we did not know when we would be traveling. But I packed my bags in less than a week's notice and prepared according to the weather and where we would be going. As I marvel in this trip, I realized this mimics a lot of my life. The organization that I so strive for, in order to enjoy the larger things in life, so that I'm not running around frantically trying to look for something, to invite peace and security into my life. I bought a couple of spare clothes that I might need. I brought just enough. And if I didn't bring enough, I was able to get access to a place that provided me what I needed.
When it was a sweater for a cold weather, medicine for my sinuses, or even having spare clothes in case of stains or spills, I was prepared. Because life is unpredictable. You just don't know what you are going to need and when you are going to need it. We carry around so much in our lives with this debilitating fear and end up storing so much stuff we might need one day. Let go and let God. He is our shepherd, he knows what we need.
I guess sometimes we just have to make the best of it and the rest .. follow with our eyes closed.
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