Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Self Actualization

Years and years ago, I heard of a book titled “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway.” I don’t know why it has been on my reading list for the longest time, yet I failed to read it (listen) until now. Maybe I knew subconsciously I wasn’t ready for it.

Then life happened. I grew up. Emotionally. I gained wisdom. I knew what frustration was about. I knew why I blamed people. I knew why my partner blamed me. I knew why I was jealous and angry...and the answer is fear.

It isn’t surprising that the answer I found in the book was something I had figured out in the past year, if not past several months.  Why did I hang onto fear? Because I just wasn’t ready to take full responsibility. I wanted to stay the victim. Self-comforting felt good. That was relying on myself to provide comfort because I feared, no one will.

When I listen to older people during my youthful days say, “I wish I had the knowledge now and go back in time”’or something along those lines, NOW I know what they meant. Sometimes you can have the answers handed to you. Self-Actualization happens through your own life experiences. Maybe you won’t believe it now, but try reading this post maybe in a year, or two.

I look at my daughter now and think to myself, I need to teach her these things so she won’t repeat my mistakes. It is not what this is about. I am protecting her from the ugly truth. Doesn’t matter what I do, life will teach her. Her personality, influences and what God gave her was already different from me to begin with. 

I truly want to share with the youth, my knowledge. Maybe now you can take that knowledge and reshape the future somehow. The world is always changing in relation to the now, so I trust you will.

Here are some quotes from the book, “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway”. Enjoy!!

“Replace the inner chatter box with a loving voice.”

“Don’t blame outside forces.”

“Trust that you will always have what you need.”

“If all your giving is about getting, you will be fearful.”

“When we let someone be who they are without trying to change them, that is giving away love.”

“When we let go and let them learn and grow without us, we are giving away love.”

Self-actualization is getting in touch with our higher self.

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