Sunday, June 9, 2019

When I was a "Millennial."

It's amazing how time stops for no one.  I'm now 44 years old and have been in the US government since I was 18 years old (1993).  Today, the people who are in the workforce are millenial generation or those born in the 80s and 90s. 

I just reviewed my team's biographies and it got me thinking how I was when I was a tender age of 20-24 years which is the average millenial age now in 2019.  This is my perspective.  You guys have it better in terms of diversity.  When I was working in my first government agency, I was the youngest person there, and everyone treated me like their daughter. The office was diverse ethnically as it involved minority's health but not gender or age.  So that, played an important role in my development.

I moved on to join the US foreign service government agency and that was another animal in itself. It was competitive, it wasn't as diverse, and for years...I was the only young person where-ever I went.  I've gone through discrimination of all sorts.  And I'm still standing with an award for being in the government this long.

Now I'm back home in DC area, working in downtown DC and find that today's millenials have new dilemmas to face.  No one is problem free. We all need creative individuals.  At my time, I did what I can to get the job done. 25 years later, I'm still that person, more prudent and wiser. I'm trying to see reality as it is and I have been seeing it from my "judgementel and feeling" perspective according to the myers-briggs personality test. 

As a Xennial or Gen-X individual, I see now my contribution to today's world has benefits. Moderating chats using my typing skills, adapting to both traditional and new ways of doing business as I was born in the cusp of emerging computer technology.  I can write. I can type.  I know how data and statistics can be flawed.  I know one plus one does not equal two.  And I know we cannot see everything with the naked eye.

And I am looking forward to being a part of a force that brings us closer to the lives we were meant to live. 

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