El Anteno Grand Book Store, Buenos Aires
Japanese Garden, Buenos Aires
Tango Show
Brownsville, TX Charro Days kick-off
Parasailing Ready in South Padre, a first.
Jan 2017 began with a trip to Buenos Aires where I got to sample Dulce de Leche flavors, eat steak and watch Tango. I then had three weeks in town where I got to shuffle Alyssa around with her soccer practices, horseback lessons and occasionally, gymnastics. Between preparing for my next trips, I was planning birthday parties and making from scratch, greeting cards for Valentine's Day and Thank You's.
Next trip is to Georgetown, Guyana where the food is spicy and then some but I'm sure to discover new things.
Signing off until next time. A food for thought: You know you live out of a suit case when you actually have measuring tape and flu pills permanently stored in your luggage..And you had to use it.
Be sure to check my instagram and twitter accounts!
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