Monday, April 20, 2015

The Crazies this Week

Well, I can't say there isn't much humor in the beginnings of this week.  First I've gotten at least 3-5 e-mails a day about this repin of one of my popular pins in Pinterest -- It's the Daisy Duke workout.  I don't know what happen but it just happened in a storm.  I knew this was one of my most popular repins from time to time but for some reason people are pinning it like mad the last few days -- almost as if it was an e-mail storm.  Anyone else want to join the cause?  Here it is.

In other news, I've been busy studying the bible as I am to teach it the next two weeks when the main teacher is gone.  I can't say we're teachers, rather we are guides because we are learning it all together but we lead the studies by highlighting the main topics.  I can't say I'm the subject matter expert so I'm not the bible teacher, rather the leader or the guide.  I'm hoping that with time, God will give me the ability to deliver especially since in my next assignment I will be teaching.

And speaking of skills to deliver, I've made announcements as part of my willingness to volunteer for the church as much as I dread speaking in front of a group.  Now that I realize it's not about me the attention is no longer on me.  If I can keep this thought, then I need not worry.  Maybe God didn't design me to be a speaker but a doer and so, hopefully my actions will speak louder than words.

I got to see my kitty on Skype yesterday and I can't believe in two and half months time, he has gotten bigger - face is fatter, take a look.

Well, that is all from this end.  Whether your goal is to lose weight or to become more spiritual, never lose hope, and TRUST -- that is the word to take with you today.  :-)

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