Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Three Months in Swaziland

Three Months Review

November 27, 2013

Today is Thanksgiving in the U.S.  The Swazi people don't celebrate it, but U.S.A. regards it as one of the most important family holidays.  It's also the start of the Christmas season.  With no fall leaves or signs of the weather getting cold, it barely feels like Thanksgiving today.  We were planning to go over friends' house for some deep fried turkey.  I haven't tried deep fried turkey but Jason wasn't up to it, so we will have a quiet thanksgiving this year.  South African weather is now heading into it's summer weather since it's opposite weather of what the Northern Hemisphere is having.

Today also marks the first that both Alyssa and I caught the cold bug.  I'm surprised that been here this long, we've been overall healthy.  With a diet that could be improved, I guess I can't complain much.  Alyssa has been at her international school for 2.5 months and has just got her first sick day as well.  She loves it here and I couldn't be happier for her.  She continues to do the fun stuff..Catch bugs, play with dogs and do art projects.  She is enthusiastic with her school as well so I must not miss the first school event I'm attending on Tuesday.

Started SiSwati lessons and it looks like I'll catch the phrases pretty easy but I have to practice it. The people here are friendly and willing to teach so I'm not afraid to practice!!  Another terminology that locals use for celebrating.. Braii.. Which essentially means barbecue.  So just went to one last night and it was fun.  My friend makes the yummiest cupcakes.  Alyssa had a ball playing with the dogs.  If only we can convince daddy to have a dog.. Hmmm we do have a big enough yard.  Who will bath it and pick up after it?  If it's not much work, maybe he'll say yes.  He said no to a cat because of the smelly liter.  We will see!

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