Sunday, September 15, 2013

Settling In!

Week Two Settling in this beautiful land


September 15, 2013

Hard to believe it’s been two weeks already since we’ve settled in the new land.  So far I like it.  The people are friendly, the air is fresh, and I like my new boss and co-workers.  I mentioned before that everyone seems to care about one another and right now since we’re all shuttling into work together due to everyone arriving at the same time, we’re getting to know the people from the other offices.  The newcomer’s brunch was a great way to meet the community.  Today we went to Lucille’s house from embassy, her daughter goes to the same school as Alyssa although they are in different classrooms. I think it’s great that Alyssa’s starting to make friends.  Finding continuity in something you did before is one way to stay connected.  I managed to get Jason out of the house too, to enjoy the brunch and Alyssa did play with the other kids.  We’ll see how she does in Montessori.  As for me, I think I found a lady who is willing to share some evenings scrapbooking and she might even start a group in the evenings for the ladies at the church!!  How nice..I told her I belonged to a group in Hollywood, FL and it was a great fellowship and a great way to keep up the continuity.  I’m getting Jason to apply for two/three jobs opened at the embassy..Get him out of the house and me…Well I’m still looking for an exercise buddy and Zumba classes.  I think though, we are on our way to getting settled!!

Alyssa and Claudia (friend from school)
Sunday Brunch

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