Looking back at my last post in August, I had not finished writing about my Mexican tour. Hurricane Irma swept through Florida and without notice I had to leave abruptly and help my family prepare for an evacuation. Well, we survived that ordeal and everyone who met us upon arrival Canada knew the story behind the craziness of emergency evacuation travel. From disgruntled, impatient travelers to airport terrorist scares, we had our share of fun.
I completed my Monterrey trip and then finished Hermosillo and Nogales in late October. That trip was fun alone and I'll never again go back to eating Taco Bell. Upon my return to the states, I found myself longing for those small corn tortillas with steak and lime. Mexican diet has now been incorporated into my way of life.
As the year comes to a close, I'm happy with my spiritual and health progress. Many realizations or revelations as I'd like to call them, were given to me, thankfully. I realized motivation is the biggest power of all success - when I have it, I can do anything. I also realize that consistently keeping up is important to making that success *permanent.* Stephen Covey calls this skill, "sharpen the saw." My weight has gone up and down since 2001..Just goes to show, we can always change but reverting to old habits is easy as well. It's what we're comfortable with and it's what is easy and familiar for us. I've always knew that one can be a jack of all trades but to be a master at one -- requires hours of dedication and persistance. I know I've had my daughter dabbled in so many things and I'm happy for her that she found the one niche - soccer. Mommy can learn a thing or to. I love to dance, I love to craft, I love to sing, I love to exercise..and I love spending time with spiritual development. What will be new for me in 2018 and what will I focus? I have specifically turned my interest late in this year to mindfulness meditation. I realize I'm constantly busy, constantly on the go, constantly hyper..I'm sure it drives many people nuts. I think this will help me become happier and less stress. Our culture has always valued multitasking and shortcuts. But is that really the best way? Last, but not least..I realize that in life, there is way too many options and way too many choices. And you only have one life and so many hours in the day. I've learned I cannot learn it all, do it all, hoard it all (in case and good intentions just don't work anymore). I have to do what my daughter did -- and that is choose. So may I choose wisely.