Wednesday, August 5, 2015

End of July and Early August Ramblings

Well, it hasn't been a smooth ending to the week, but at least I am still thankful for certain things I continue to be blessed with.  I completed my spin class despite my tiredness and also got my hair done.  I may be late for many things but I'm never late for a spa appointment :D :D  I'm thankful for google on my mobile app as I gotten a virus on my laptop and though both of my mobile phone internet worked and my laptop browser didn't, I knew it was from that supposedly cleaned freeware site I visited.  Nothing is free - except maybe the love of God.  Everything else is deception and comes with a price.  Back to the google on my mobile phone, I was able to search the error, and there was youtube video on how to fix a setting on google chrome that got changed by a virus.  I *knew* it. I'm thankful for youtube and google :D

Speaking of YouTube and google, one can get lost in many of the links.  Lately in Bible Study and in Church I find myself flipping to the Table of Contents too many times before I find my passage - and voila, I find a "how-to" on google.

There is also a youtube which teaches you in Ten Minutes 66 books of the bible
My take - New Testament definitely easier; imagery always better.

So now it's August and I didn't even finish end of July ramblings.  I just want to end with some things I'm grateful for, for my time in Baghdad.  I'm grateful for Skype, grateful for Krave boxed cereals and last but not least time to bake, experiment, fellowship and "feed" the people of God my baked good creations.  In John 21:15, "Feed my sheep" so may I continue to follow this calling.

Next blog - "Electronic versus Paper."  Yes that in itself has quite a bit of debate....