Alyssa Waiting for her bus in her Assigned T-shirt, also known as "Civies Day"
(non uniform days)
The siSwati language is starting to ring well with me. I now know that Ph is prounced "pee" and that nc is the "click" sound. Ezulwini rhymes with another city called Sidwashini. I'm starting to sing like them! Most importantly, Alyssa knows how to sing the school's anthem song in SiSwati. Showed daddy the video and he's like, "nooo. " Don't assimilate her, he's saying. ;))
Love, love, love the last DVD session on our weekly cell bible studies. The preacher is John Bevere and the topic is the bait of satan. He talked about revelation and not everyone can get it. Though they can read the same books over and over, go to the same bible classes over and over..They just might not get it. Then suddenly the Lord reveals (or provides) a revelation. What I liked most of what he says was that, "there are about 1,300 listeners that are getting his messages at any given time, and are interpreted in 1,300 different ways." That couldn't be more true. And while most times we think our message is being communicated the way we intended, it may not be. No two persons think alike.
I remember this guy (excellent talker and seller) who said that it's crucial people attend these "sale seminars" over and over. Because while people may be listening, they are thinking of something and go into a tangent. Meanwhile, the sales person is *still* talking. This is why we might not get 100% of anything or may miss something, especially when we go to a seminar, attend church or any other that requires our full attention. C'est la vie as they say or "nature of the beast."
One thing I know for sure that I will miss here in Mbabane is the .30 cents parking downstairs, $ USD 3 hems and what have you. Clothing here is not expensive by any means and the sizes run for smaller and taller people. A size 8 or 10 is the equivalent of Medium whereas in the States that is a Large. I still love shopping and always finding neat things. I heard from a Swazi that going to the gym here means more about fashion statement than working out. I guess that's why it's not popular like the way we have back home.
Not much longer until I get to assimilate back into the US culture again. I can't wait for my crabs, Thai food and yes, meet up with my friends that I miss. This is the dragger to FS life no one can ever in their 20-year career get used to.
These last two weeks I'm getting more involved with my sports -- to the point of getting injuries. Tennis elbow from playing tennis and now bruises from riding horse and (yes) falling off. Rozi, the horse I rode two weeks in a row now, has decided to go on a tangent and started running (apparently cantering) before I was ready. I got thrown off him, landed on my left side, bumped my head on the floor and got sand in my mouth. Thankfully I'm OK but for a moment I thought I broke my hips. I was walking OK and the doctor examined me and so no broken bones. Whew..Dodged one. I must carry on, as they say. That's it for this week's adventure. I just think my revelation is.. "You need a stronger hold on those reigns."